Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welcome to Cremers! A Coffeeshop and Grand Café in Den Haag.

This painting depicts Cremers during the years just after the turn of the millenium. The woody interior is stuffed with familiar faces and of course its stoic cigar store indian.

The large table hosts a group of friends engaged in a role playing effort enjoying drinks and smoke. Several regulars are bellied up to the bar while a Cremers' cutie takes a long pull from a well rolled spliff in the foreground.

Cremers is a long lived institution in Den Haag for those who love a good smoke while having a drink. Its large comfortable interior routinely hosts specialty events including their themed movie nights and a popular (legendary) happy hour on Fridays.

When trying to capture a scene like this any artist must accept falling short, yet after all,  I feel there is enough here to trigger a smile.

(Watercolor 50cm x 65cm)